Ojai Zen Center

There is nothing more important you can do for yourself than to turn the light inward, wake up to your true nature.


We provide a safe space where you can sit in deep silence.

About us

The Ojai Zen Center is a place for meditation.


The zen center will provide a place where you can sit in the silent stillness of the Ojai mountains, and go deep into the essence of your being.


It was created following the instruction of our teacher, Shido Nyogen Roshi. We have been practicing for over 20 years under his spiritual guidance.


Beginners are welcome. Instructors will introduce you to the practice.


There is no charge, nor are donations requested.


    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

    7:00 - 7:25 am Sitting

    7:30 - 8:00 am Sitting

    8:00 - 8:05 am service


    (You may come to one or both sitting periods.)



    5:00 -5:30 pm Tea

    5:30 - 6:00 pm Sitting

    Contact/Message us for details

      “To sit in the mountains is to sit with all beings.

      The mountains and rivers are our silent teachers.”

      - Dogen


      Feel free to come sit at your preferred time.

      Contact us